At Panhandle Dental, we understand the significant impact that missing teeth can have on your self-esteem and overall oral health. Tooth loss affects everything from your diet to your social life. That's why our denture solutions are tailored to your unique needs. From traditional dentures to snap-on implant-supported overdentures, we have the resources and technology to help you regain your smile.

Traditional Complete Dentures: Restoring Your Smile with Precision

Crafted with precision and expertise, full dentures are designed to fit snugly over your gum tissues, providing you with a natural and aesthetically pleasing smile. These full “plates” restore your entire set of upper or lower teeth. However, partial options are also available if you still have healthy teeth that we’re able to preserve. 

Dr. Carr and Dr. Woods will work with you throughout the process to ensure that your dentures are designed to complement the shape of your face and aesthetic preferences.

guy holding dentures smiling showing his awesome dentures

Immediate Dentures: A Convenient Transition

If you need to have your remaining teeth removed and are facing the prospect of having missing teeth, immediate dentures could be an ideal solution. Immediate dentures are crafted in advance and can be placed on the same day as your extraction appointment. With immediate dentures, you won't have to struggle with missing teeth during the normal healing process. Dr. Carr and Dr. Woods will ensure that your immediate dentures are crafted with precision and care, allowing you to maintain your smile and confidence during this transitional phase.

older lady getting her consultation for dentures

Implant Overdentures: The Ultimate Stability and Functionality

By pairing removable dentures with the stability of dental implants, you can enjoy a hybrid solution that’s more comfortable than ever. Implant overdentures—sometimes called “snap-on” or “clip-in” implant dentures—combine strategically placed implants and traditional dentures to improve fit, comfort, and functionality. With this secured prosthesis, a set of dental implants are strategically placed to serve as a foundation for the dentures. The result is a secured denture doesn’t slip, rub, or rock out of place. Dr. Carr and Dr. Woods are highly skilled in advanced implant techniques, providing you with exceptional results.

model of implant overdentures

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Find out which denture is right for you by calling Panhandle Dental today. During your consultation, we will assess your oral health needs, discuss your goals, and recommend the best denture solution for you. Our friendly and compassionate team will be by your side every step of the way.

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