Panhandle Dental takes pride in providing care for patients of all ages, including the youngest members of your family. Our experienced family dentists, Dr. Carr and Dr. Woods, are dedicated to creating a positive and comfortable environment for your child's smile journey. From their very first visit to their future adult smiles, our pediatric dental services help ensure the very best for your child’s development, health, and self-confidence.

little girl having her teeth looked at while smiling and looking at the dentist

Why Early Checkups Are Important

Great oral health begins during childhood and is built on a foundation of preventative care. Early dental checkups, cleanings, and fluoride treatments are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they allow our Amarillo dentists to monitor the growth and development of your child's teeth and address any concerns at an early stage. By catching issues early on, we can prevent them from becoming more significant problems in the future. Early intervention also allows for a gentler and stress-free dental experience as your child grows.

During your child’s six-month checkups, we’ll also provide age-appropriate education for home care. We’ll also talk to them about tooth-smart snacks and food choices that help lower their risk of cavities. These early preventative visits also give your child the chance to become familiar with the dental environment, reducing the risk of severe phobia or dental anxiety as they grow up. 

Protective Dental Sealants and Fluoride

Children's teeth are particularly vulnerable to cavities and decay. Not just because they’re not as strong as adult teeth, but also because children often lack the dexterity to properly brush and floss on their own. We offer dental sealants and fluoride treatments to lower your child’s risk of tooth decay. 

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings placed on the chewing surfaces of your child’s permanent molars (back teeth) to protect the deep grooves and pits that collect bacteria. They only take a few minutes to apply and no numbing is needed!

Similarly, fluoride treatments are another great way to safeguard your child's teeth. Fluoride—like calcium—is a naturally derived mineral that strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to cavities and acid erosion. 

young girl in dental chair smiling while having her teeth looked at.
young girl sitting in dental chair smiling while doctor reviews her teeth

What if My Child Needs Dental Treatment?

Instead of visiting a separate pediatric dentist in Amarillo, Panhandle Dental offers all of the care your child needs in a family-friendly environment. Our friendly dentists provide several types of children’s dental treatments, including fillings, stainless steel crowns, and space maintainers. Laughing gas is also available to help your little one relaxes throughout their appointment. Our goal is to treat cavities early and help them preserve their normal biting patterns. But if early tooth loss or extraction is needed, temporary space maintainers can help preserve their tooth alignment as their permanent teeth start to erupt. 

Schedule Your Child's Visit Today

At Panhandle Dental, we strive to make each dental visit a positive and enjoyable experience for your child. Dr. Carr and Dr. Woods have extensive experience working with children and can help them feel at ease during their appointments.

We invite you to schedule your child's first dental visit or their six-month check-up today. No insurance? Be sure to ask about our pediatric membership program.

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